I am open to receiving all I ask for and the transformation required to manifest it.
Whenever you ask for something to manifest in your life, there are three things you need to bring it into your physical world:
- Faith
- Drive
- Receptivity
Faith is necessary to believe what you want is yours. In every abundance ritual I do, the point is to ask and then release the request with the faith that it is heard and on the way to me.
You can’t expect what you want to come for you if you don’t take action towards your goal. I’m not saying to hustle day and night because you need time to rest and regroup. To listen to Spirit as to your next steps forward. Drive and dedication are required, though.
This is a big one and often what stops people from reaching their goals. You must be open to receiving the transformation needed to achieve your goal. The Gods/Universe will require you to release the old- toxic patterns, limiting beliefs, people who aren’t meant to evolve with you, etc. It will take deep spiritual and emotional work to release so you can receive. Many people get to that point of transformation and decide it’s to hard to continue or ‘it isn’t meant to be’.
Signs of transformation could be:
- Losing your current job (could be clearing the way for a new career).
- An ex coming back into your life
- Arguments with friends
- Physical things breaking down
All of these seemingly bad things are all happening to clear out some emotion or trauma you need to work through to receive what you ask for. You need an empty cup to hold the blessings coming your way. Think of these things as guideposts along your journey and remember to keep an eye out for the good signs that will come your way.
Manifesting your desires takes empowered feminine and masculine energy. Faith is feminine energy. Action towards your dreams is masculine energy. Being unbalanced in one energy makes it very difficult to work divinely in the other.
For instance, too much feminine energy could manifest as self doubt and insecurity which can stop you from taking action.
Too much masculine energy can look like micro-managing and wanting to control every step to your dreams. This can block you from resting and listening to Spirit for steps and opportunities that could help you attain your dream faster than your regimented plan would.
Every phase of our lives requires transformation. Don’t resist it. Embrace it and the lessons you learn from it.
Sending strength to face your shadows and courage to live your truth,