And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
– Anais Nin
We all know the meaning of the term ‘comfort zone’. It’s our life where we stay comfortable in even if it’s painful for us. We know the parameters of that pain. We know how to walk on the ground of that pain. It’s familiar to us. We aren’t happy all the time but we’re content with what we have, to a point. We may complain that we aren’t happy and even have ideas of what we want to do with our lives but doing that may take us outside of the home we created for ourselves. We brush up against the door keeping us in and may wonder if there’s more out there but then decide whatever is out there isn’t for us. Opening that door and stepping out is too risky.
There will come a moment, though, when the desire to leave your house of complacency becomes so strong that your hand is on the doorknob before you realize it.
Now the fear comes.
A huge part of you wants to walk through but there is another part that knows what waits for you on the other side.
The Void.
The Void is uncharted territory. In the Void, the ground is sand- shifting under your feet with every step.
The Void has no ‘zone’. It is dark matter.
Endless possibilities waiting to be made into your new world. The new version of you.
The Void requires courage and the ability to move through fear. In the Void, you have the capability to create the life you want and get even more but it can also bring pain. Pain you aren’t familiar with. The pain of stepping out into the Void, trying to create your dreams, and failing.
The idea of having to deal with that pain is the reason most people never step out of the door.
The Void is nothing and everything.
The Void requires you to be okay with not knowing.
Not knowing if you will succeed.
Not knowing everything about what sparked your journey into the Void.
Not knowing how it will end.
Not knowing the parameters of the pain you will face along the way.
Not knowing how often you will find the joy and peace in your new world.
It’s the not knowing that makes stepping out of my door so hard but I think I’m ready.
The comfort zone has kept me safe to a certain extent but the Void will give me freedom.
Freedom can be terrifying as well as exhilarating. It means all your choices belong to you. You have control over your life. There is no one there making decisions for you.
The Void is uncharted territory but that’s part of the adventure and beauty of it. Stepping out on faith is pure empowered masculine and feminine energy. Believing you deserve it and then doing it.
Tell me, what’s one thing you’ve accomplished since leaving your comfort zone and stepping out into the Void?
Sending strength to face your shadows and courage to live your truth,