Hello, My Beautiful Beings of Light.

My name is Janai Robinson, owner of Soul Deep Happy Coaching. I’m a spiritual life coach focused on helping women with ADHD create a Soul Deep Happy life. 

What does a Soul Deep Happy life look like for a woman with ADHD?

It’s a life of balance and peace. One where she unlearns the lies she’s internalized as truth all of her life. Lies like:

“I’m lazy and unmotivated.”

“I’m so stupid. Why can’t I learn as quickly as others can?”

That voice in your head is even louder if you’ve faced judgment from the neurotypical society around you. The judgment outside of you quickly becomes the judgment you give yourself. 

You can have all the tools and systems in place you want to function mentally, but it means nothing if you aren’t at peace with your diagnosis and all that comes with it.

The mind and body are connected to spirit. If one is off balance, it throws the other two off, as well. Feeling guilt over how your symptoms affect others(mind and spirit) can cause your dopamine to drop(physical) which can exacerbate your symptoms in a myriad of ways.

There’s a reason anxiety and depression are symptoms/side effects of ADHD. It’s easy to get caught in a shame spiral that can take hours or days to pull yourself out of. 

Even if you’re medicated, you still need to process your past trauma in order to fully love yourself and find peace. You need to reconnect to your true self. Your Divine self.

I firmly believe reconnecting to Nature is a vital part of the healing process, in addition to the other coaching tools I incorporate in my one on one sessions. There is something about the silence of Nature that calms the fast paced and chaotic neurodivergent mind. I’ve seen how it’s helped people reduce their anxiety and depression, allowing them to process their emotions in a more stable and healthy way. 

You deserve a life of peace. 

You deserve a life of balance.

You deserve to be accepted exactly as you are.

You deserve a life where you don’t have to mask all the time to survive.

As a late diagnosed ADHD woman myself, I can speak from experience about the importance of healing from past trauma to help manage the current physical aspects of ADHD.

Now, it’s time to heal you. I’m here to help, my loves. 

Ready to work with me? Click the image above.

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Click the image above to shop for products to help.